The special feature is "Common Audio Problems." Regular contributors write about their mistakes and how to deal with them.
[Feature] Common audio troubles - Minor troubles when building an amplifier Iwamura Yasuo - Countermeasures against oscillation in non-feedback amplifiers Ueno Hirosuke - Countermeasures against noise in homemade audio equipment Ikeda Heisuke - Common audio production troubles Tezuka Kenji - Diamond stylus falling off due to stylus tip cleaning fluid Shibasaki Isao - Countermeasures against static electricity in record players Tsunoda Ikuo - Experiments with disc stabilizers and disc distortion Shibata Yukio - A failed overseas auction for a Garrard 301 Kobayashi Mitsugu - Countermeasures against problems with personal imports Nagashima Masaru - Be careful not to overtighten screws Inoue Chigaku - Solutions to problems encountered when building homemade speakers Ozawa Takahisa - Surprisingly few? Reverse-phase connection of speakers Hanzawa Koichi - How to deal with rapidly deteriorating portable audio equipment Iwai Takashi
"Original Sound System Production"
●A small output 1.3W amplifier that also aims for high sound quality by using a classic British tube. PEN45 Triode-connected single power amplifier by Yasuo Iwamura●Using a super-large transmitting tube, single output of 40W. 833A single all-stage direct-coupled monaural power amplifier by Susumu Seiya●DC Amplifier Series No.290 6111 differential amplifier, 2SD218 B-class pp output stage. Li-Po battery drive 6111-2SD218 hybrid power amplifier [Part 2] Akihiko Kaneda ● Parallel synthesis push-pull circuit adopted, output is 18W with 3-connection, 36W with 5-connection EL34/6CA7pp circulotron monaural power amplifier [Part 1] Hirosuke Ueno ● Construction of symmetry correction type power amplifier (part 2) MOS-FET hybrid inverted Darlington output power amplifier Yukio Shibata ● Computer-based audio amplifier design and construction support [No. 50] Challenge to create a simple and good sounding power amplifier Construction of MOS-FET output stage non-feedback bridge amplifier Heisuke Ikeda ● Aiming for a high efficiency, high sound quality system Design and construction of small speakers No. 184 Takahisa Ozawa
● Hi-Fi Pursuit Listening Room Dream No.645
My home, heavily influenced by MJ magazine, and my temporary listening room at the Lisson Gallery (part 1)
Devon Turnbull, Brooklyn, New York
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MJ Radio and Experiments August 2023 Issue | Seibundo Shinkosha Co., Ltd. (seibundo-shinkosha.net)