The special feature is "Making a Vacuum Tube Power Amplifier," which shows the creation of five diverse types of vacuum tube amplifiers.
<MJ 100th Anniversary Project>
Color Photos of Vacuum Tubes that Lived for 100 Years Part 1: Vacuum Tubes that Became "Tsukumogami" by Maki Kubo
[Special Feature] Making a Vacuum Tube Power Amplifier ~ Making 5 Diverse Vacuum Tube Amplifiers ~
●A new circuit was devised for the 112A filament DC ignition and fixed bias. Maximum output of 1.6W, all stages use classical directly heated triodes 45 single power amplifier Yasuo Iwamura ●Verification of crosstalk in stereo amplifiers using dual beam tubes 829B single all stages direct connected power amplifier Susumu Seiya ●Output stage cathode follower drives output transformer with low impedance 6JN6 cathode follower single power amplifier Masaru Nagashima ●Remodeling a 300B parallel single amplifier into a push-pull amplifier and comparing sound quality Transformer coupled 300B push-pull monaural power amplifier Kazutomo Kobayashi ●Using radio ST output tubes, 42 single power amplifier with output of 3.2W, aiming for ease of construction Katsusuke Ueno ●Current situation regarding obtaining homemade audio parts Editorial department
<Production of original sound system>
●DC Amplifier Series No. 293 6111-2SA649 Hybrid High Power Amplifier Inverted Darlington Output Stage, Li-Po Battery Drive Akihiko Kaneda ●Audio Amplifier Design and Manufacturing Support Using a PC [No. 56] Applying faders and graphic equalizers to a 4-way multi-amp system Heisuke Ikeda ●Aiming for a highly efficient, high-quality system Designing and manufacturing small speakers No. 190 Takahisa Ozawa ●Manufacturing high-performance, high-quality speakers using the latest measurements and designs No. 31 Manufacturing a small 2-way speaker using Dayton Audio units (final) Implementing a crossover network and finishing the exterior of the enclosure Kohei Suzuki
Audio Technology
[MJ Technical Report]
●Report on a speaker building and listening event using the newly developed speaker unit manufactured by Yamaha Takahisa Ozawa ●Circuit technology of recent Accuphase products Isao Shibasaki ●Circuit technology and mounting technology of the super-heavyweight vacuum tube headphone amplifier and preamplifier Audio-Technica's "Narukami" Isao Shibasaki ●Motor control of Denon's new DD player DP-3000NE Takashi Iwai ●Restoring junk to practical use Audio equipment repair diary No. 19 Struggling to revive the Sony EL-5 Hideyuki Sakai
<MJ Best Audio Components>
[Zoom up]
●Gold Note PIANOSA belt-drive analog player ●Luxman L-505Z 4Ω load 150W x 2 integrated amplifier ●Marantz STEREO 70s network-compatible 8Ω load 75W x 2 receiver ●Dela N5-H50J 5TB capacity HDD built-in music library [MJ Report]
●Bakoon Products MJK-1004 Headphone Amplifier ●TAD ET-703a Beryllium Diaphragm Horn Tweeter ●Aurora Sound AFE-12 Step-up Transformer for MC Cartridge
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MJ Radio and Experiments April 2024 Spring Edition | Seibundo Shinkosha Co., Ltd. (seibundo-shinkosha.net)