[Special Feature] Exploring the effects of digital transmission and vibration countermeasures Items to improve the sound quality of CD players
In the June issue, we introduce the latest items such as cables, audio boards, and clock generators that will improve the sound quality of your CD player.
The production articles include Susumu Seiya's OTL mono amplifier using 11 Compactron 31LZ6 tubes per channel, Masaru Nagashima's 6C33C-B push-pull amplifier, and Akihiko Kaneda's battery-driven 4-terminal SiC MOS-FET hybrid power amplifier.
For details on the book, please click here. ※Seibundo Shinkosha official website
MJ Radio and Experiments June 2021 Issue | Seibundo Shinkosha Co., Ltd. (seibundo-shinkosha.net)