The special feature is "Preamps and How to Use Them Effectively." We will introduce Japanese preamp products and the thoughts of our regular writers.
The special feature "Preamps and How to Use Them Effectively" features listening tests for five Japanese preamplifiers, the Accuphase C-3900, Luxman CL-1000, Soul Note P-3, Audio Design DCP-240, and Aurora Sound PREDA III, as well as reviews of preamplifiers by seven MJ writers. The MJ Zoom Up introduces the Accuphase P-7500 AB class operation, 300W x 2 power amplifier with 8Ω load; Atoll AM300 150W x 2 with 8Ω load; MOS-FET power amplifier; JK Sound JK903A 110W x 2 with 8Ω load integrated amplifier; EMT EMT128 vacuum tube phono equalizer; TSD SFL MC cartridge; JSD VM MC cartridge; and the MJ Report introduces the Sub-Zero Processing Laboratory Hyper Sub-zero Fuse-STICK (SE) HST-SE processing construction, automotive stick fuses, Melco Syncrets N100-S20-J, S100-BJ audio NAS and S100-BJ audio switching hub.
The production articles include a diverse lineup of products such as Masashi Yanagisawa's CR type equalizer amplifier with MC transformer and output transformer, Susumu Seiya's line amplifier with tone control + expander, Kazutomo Kobayashi's VT-52 single 3W power amplifier, and Akihiko Kaneda's Nutube hybrid and 417A hybrid battery-driven high-power amplifier.
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MJ Radio and Experiments May 2022 Issue | Seibundo Shinkosha Co., Ltd. (seibundo-shinkosha.net)