The special feature is "Autumn Audio Events." We will report on audio events to be held in November 2022.
●100 years since publication! With gratitude, we are giving away monitors to commemorate the 1200th issue. [Special feature] Autumn audio events ●2022 Tokyo International Audio Show ●InterBEE 2022 International Broadcast Equipment Exhibition ●Osaka High-End Audio Show 2022
[Listening session report]
●41st Toyama Craft Audio Club Listening Event●"Yanagi Audio Sekine School" Report●Saikyu Audio Club 70th Anniversary Event "Creating an Original Sound System"
●The outstanding sound and characteristics of this famous instrument reaffirm its quality
KT88 triode connected all stages direct connected class A2 single power amplifier Susumu Seiya ●Uses IS Auto Transformers FC-12S output transformer
6V6GT UL connection single 3.4W power amplifier Yasuo Iwamura ● DC amplifier series No.287
USB & S/PDIF compatible, Nutube hybrid line amplifier & headphone amplifier,
Battery-driven D/A converter with ROHM DAC [Part 1] Akihiko Kaneda: Audio amplifier design and production support using a PC [No. 44] Production of a graphic equalizer with minimal deterioration in sound quality Narrowing down the basic design policy to the correction of low-frequency standing waves Heisuke Ikeda: Aiming for a highly efficient, high-quality system Design and production of small speakers No. 178 Takahisa Ozawa: Production of high-performance, high-quality speakers using the latest measurements and designs [No. 25] High-performance two-way system using a wave guide and an aluminum diaphragm (7) Phase and human hearing Kohei Suzuki
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MJ Radio and Experiments February 2023 Issue | Seibundo Shinkosha Co., Ltd. (seibundo-shinkosha.net)