[Feature] Bring out the charm of LPs with mid-range MC cartridges
●Luxman LMC-5
●Fidelix MC-F1000
●Denon DL-103
●Phasemation PP-200
●Audio Technica AT-ART20
●Platanus 3.0S
●Shelter Model 901Ⅲ
"Original Sound System Production"
●Using a cut core output transformer, a 6L6GC UL-connected single power amplifier with an output of 7W Yasuo Iwamura●Adding the GF circuit used in the 91-B amplifier WE 300B single 7W hybrid power amplifier Kenji Tezuka●DC amplifier series No. 289 Class B operation 2SD218 parallel push-pull output stage, Li-Po battery drive Bipolar transistor high power amplifier [Part 1] Akihiko Kaneda●[Modification report] Identifying problems near maximum output and considering improvement ideas Strengthening the B power circuit of a 6L6 multi-electrode tube push-pull power amplifier Hirosuke Ueno●Support for the design and construction of audio amplifiers using a computer [No. 47] Making a graphic equalizer with minimal deterioration in sound quality Correcting room acoustics Heisuke Ikeda●Modifying an all-bipolar transistor configuration, all-stage non-feedback integrated amplifier (2) The concept of reverse bias method and the construction of ancillary circuits Masayuki Hashimoto●Aiming for a highly efficient, high-sound-quality system Designing and constructing small speakers No. 181 Takahisa Ozawa
●Dream of a Hi-Fi listening room No.642 Enjoying free jazz LPs on a 1955 Patrician 600 at Mitsuhiro Tateno's home in Yokosuka, Kanagawa Prefecture
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MJ Radio and Experiments May 2023 Issue | Seibundo Shinkosha Co., Ltd. (seibundo-shinkosha.net)