[Special Feature] Techniques for improving the sound quality of speaker systems
●Improving the sound quality of speaker systems by taking measures against vibrations Shibasaki Isao●Improving sound quality by replacing spikes on speaker stands Inoue Chitaka●Improving sound quality with Teflon-coated speaker cables Tsunoda Ikuo●Speaker systems and speaker cables from the previous generation Kobayashi Mitsugu●Tips for speaker installation Hanzawa Koichi●Mounting small speakers on an audio board Iwai Takashi●Making speaker stands and networks Yanagisawa Masashi●How to install speaker units Seiya Susumu●Tune up by listening to the best sound source Ozawa Takahisa●Upgrading network capacitors Suzuki Kohei●Towards rebuilding the Yamaha NS-1000M network Ueno Hirosuke
"Original Sound System Production"
●Constructed with a single power supply. Maximum output of 7W 6BX7GT push-pull all-stage direct-coupled power amplifier Seiya Susumu ●A modern reconstruction of Asano Isamu's work 6P25 push-pull power amplifier Nagashima Masaru Tezuka Kenji ●Cathode follower drive LCR type RIAA phono equalizer that is easy to build without using a drive transformer Iwamura Yasuo ●DC amplifier series No. 289 B-class operation 2SD218 parallel push-pull output stage Li-Po battery drive Bipolar transistor high power amplifier [Part 2] Kaneda Akihiko ●Audio amplifier design and construction support using a computer [No. 48] The challenge of a discrete configuration D/A converter Ikeda Heisuke ●Modification of an all-bipolar transistor configuration all-stage non-feedback integrated amplifier (final episode) Construction of a line amplifier and MC equalizer amplifier Hashimoto Masayuki ●Design and construction of small speakers aiming for a high-efficiency, high-sound-quality system No. 182 Ozawa Takahisa
●Dream of a Hi-Fi listening room No.643 Enjoying music by repairing products from the development period of domestic audio equipment Hideyuki Sakai's home in Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture
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MJ Radio and Experiments June 2023 Issue | Seibundo Shinkosha Co., Ltd. (seibundo-shinkosha.net)