The special feature is "Listening to 12 of the latest audio accessories." We will introduce a variety of effective accessories.
<Music/acoustic space/professional audio>
●The dream of a Hi-Fi listening room No.648 Listening room utilizing the know-how of recording studio construction Masanori Abe's house in Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture
<Audio & Software Guide>
●The future of audio style 300B headphone amplifier + headphones, Audio-Technica Narukami Takashi Iwai ●Classical masterpieces and performances No.175 In memoriam Takeo Noguchi Naoya Hirabayashi ●An invitation to audio on the cloud Final episode The ever-expanding cloud and the evolving world of network audio Yutaka Masaki ●Reviews of new classical music releases Naoya Hirabayashi Ikuo Tsunoda ●Reviews of new jazz, rock and pop music releases Masahiro Imai Mitsugu Kobayashi Yoshinobu Morita ●Visiting the cinema forest for classics 187
<Reader's page>
●57th Handmade Amplifier Society Kansai Branch Listening Event ●4th Mukunoki Music Café
●MJ Dimensions ●MJ Audio Information ●Parts Replacement
▼Click here for details about the book▼
MJ Radio and Experiments December 2023 Issue | Seibundo Shinkosha Co., Ltd. (seibundo-shinkosha.net)