[Feature] Finally back! A comprehensive guide to the 5th MJ Audio Festival, including an attempt at online distribution
"Original Sound System Production"
●With actual wiring diagram, it is the first amplifier, the first direct-coupled amplifier 10GK6 single all-stage direct-coupled power amplifier Susumu Seiya ●Beam tube connection, AB class operation, output 4.8W, with actual wiring diagram 30P12 push-pull power amplifier Masaru Nagashima ●New circuit design using parts lying dormant in a junk box SRPP drive 2A3 single 3.6W power amplifier Hirosuke Ueno ●DC amplifier series No. 290 6111 differential amplifier, 2SD218 B class pp output stage. Li-Po battery drive 6111-2SD218 hybrid power amplifier [Part 1] Akihiko Kaneda ●Audio amplifier design and production support using a computer [No. 49] A challenge to create a simple and good-sounding power amplifier MOS-FET output stage non-feedback bridge amplifier Heisuke Ikeda ●Aiming for a high-efficiency, high-sound quality system Design and production of small speakers No. 183 Takahisa Ozawa
● Hi-Fi Pursuit Listening Room Dream No.644
Audio reproduction perfected through cutting-edge digital processing and networking at Terufumi Hosoya's home in Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture
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MJ Radio and Experiments July 2023 Issue | Seibundo Shinkosha Co., Ltd. (seibundo-shinkosha.net)