Special feature: Detours - Juzo Itami and 13 films
Itami Jūzō is known not only as a film director, but also for his talents and activities in many areas, including acting, essay writing, design and cooking.
This special feature was initiated as a proposal from the British design group Åbäke, which had become interested in Itami's work.
Abake develops independent projects rather than commissioned work, such as collaborations with artists, workshops and label running, and his methods have influenced designers around the world.
Their activities transcend the debate over whether they are design or art, and are consistent in their application, conversion, and appropriation of graphic design methods to various fields.
In today's world where it is no longer common sense for a person to live their life based on one specialty or profession, Abake is developing a critical practice in response to this situation, and for him, Itami Juzo was truly a pioneer in his work.
In order to capture Itami's "translation" approach, in which he transfers the techniques, knowledge, and experience of one field to another, this special feature interviewed Samura Kenichi, who, together with Abake, designed all of Itami's film posters and related materials, about his collaboration with Itami Juzo, and attempted to capture Itami's design thinking in the negotiation between the two men.
As an example of "translation," we asked designers from around the world to create posters for Itami's films.
How will Itami Juzo be understood and translated through this special feature?
In a multilingual world, we will consider how design can translate information and function as a channel for communication.
For details on the book, please click here. ※Seibundo Shinkosha official website
IDEA No.374 July 2016 issue | Seibundo Shinkosha Co., Ltd. (seibundo-shinkosha.net)