The special feature is "Alternative Reality." In two parts, we will consider expression in times of crisis.
Special Feature: Alternative Reality: Intersecting Fantasy and Reality, Design and Imagination in Times of Crisis
The global pandemic continues to force changes in our behavior and communication in our daily lives. The situation in which many designers have been forced to suspend their activities highlights the fact that graphic design today has developed as an inseparable part of the capitalist economy, and the circumstances in various countries where design practice and discussion have not taken root since then.
The first half of this special issue is titled "Phantom Spoon: Visions of the Pandemic," and features publicity materials from designers around the world for exhibitions and events that were canceled or indefinitely postponed due to the pandemic, presented as phantom design projects in the magazine. By showcasing each graphic along with the circumstances that led to its cancellation and the story behind its creation, a visual archive of the blank time created by the global lockdown has been created.
In the second half, under the theme of "data journalism and design," we interviewed the design departments of newspapers in various countries about information graphics in the news media. We will consider the nature of data journalism and design. By juxtaposing design expressions based on different axes, namely possible realities and expressions based on (what are thought to be) facts, we will consider parallel design expressions in times of crisis.
Edited by idea Editorial Department
List price (tax included): 3,111 yen
Release date: September 10, 2020
For details on the book, please click here. ※Seibundo Shinkosha official website
IDEA No.391 October 2020 issue | Seibundo Shinkosha Co., Ltd. (seibundo-shinkosha.net)