From designer practices to color theory, this book contains topics that will make you reconsider how you interact with color.
Special Feature: Rethinking Color Design: Digital Color and the Future of Color Expression
Color is an essential element of graphic design, whether it be the color of text, the color of the lines and surfaces that make up a picture or photograph, or the color of paper or ink. However, in this day and age when digital software makes it possible to achieve delicate color expression and color combinations without the need for specialized knowledge, what awareness do graphic designers have of color? Starting from this question, this special feature asked seven graphic designers to create a magazine that introduces their works that express their own sense of color, and delves into their practice of color. In the second half, the magazine is structured to deepen thoughts about perspectives for paying more attention to the colors around us and new ways of relating to color through commentary, contributions, and interviews on the mechanisms of color, color theory, and color standardization.
In recent years, with the evolution of the digital environment, design expressions that are completed solely within the RGB color world are on the rise, and knowledge of traditional color theory and color science is no longer essential for graphic designers. However, rather than color as a technique, it may be meaningful to learn about color and the ideas surrounding it. The explanations and discussions included in this book, along with the practices of designers and corporate initiatives that reflect the current state of affairs, will also provide hints for exploring color expression. We hope that this will be an opportunity to learn and think about color in order to realize a color world that suits the times.
[Featured designers] Kazuki Kobayashi/Hiromi Fujita/Mariko Okazaki/Keiji Yano/Yutaka Sato/Shun Ishizuka/Chihiro Honda
[Explanation] How color works and digital color Text and illustrations: Naoki Mitsui
[Contribution] Modern Design and Color: The Logic of the Circle Text: Ichiro Saga
[Column] Creating a common language for color in Japan: Katsui Mitsuo and the DIC Color Guide
[Interview] PANTONE/Takeo/Maximage
Edited by idea Editorial Department
List price (tax included): 3,300 yen
Release date: December 10, 2021
Supervision: Naoki Mitsui
Design: LABORATORIES (Kensuke Kato, Megumi Moriya)
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IDEA No. 396 (January 2022 issue) with supplement | Seibundo Shinkosha Co., Ltd. (seibundo-shinkosha.net)